Our newest 18-Card Game

Ushabti is about collecting statues to ensure wealth in the afterlife.

This 1-5 player card-drafting and set collection game with beautiful Egyptian-themed artwork is easy to learn and fun to play.

Launching Soon On Kickstarter!

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Ushabti are Egyptian Funeral Statues. They were buried with egyptians, either in their sarcophagus or in the burial chamber. Each statue was chosen to provide benefits in the afterlife: either servants, companions, or favor with a diety.

Game Basics

2-5 players

1 player solo variant

15 minutes

Ages 12+

How to Play

Shuffle the cards and deal each player a hand.

Each player picks a card and reveals it simulateously: either face-up or face-down.

Face down cards are hidden and are worth a set number of points. Face-up cards each score points in a variable manner, but your opponents can then play against you.

Pass the remainder of your hand to another player and continue until your sarcaphagos is full of statues. The player with the most points wins the round. Keep playing until one player wins two rounds.

Artwork by Sara Beauvais.